Thursday, August 2, 2007

SDA appoinment

We had our appointment at the SDA yesterday. It went fine. It was alot less stressful than I had imagined that it would be. I think it lasted all of 15 minutes. The ladies were really nice. Igor is picking up our referral letter today from the SDA and we will travel by train to Crimea possibly tonight. We do not know any of the details of where we are staying at this time. We will not be able to visit the orphange until Monday though. We are really anxious to see Alex's face when we arrive. We cannot wait to see him again.
We are walking around Kiev again today. There are so many things to see. It is really a neat city.
Later we will try and go to a wi-fi internet cafe so we can connect with our laptop and download some pictures.
Everyone take care.

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