Sunday, July 29, 2007

We are off to Ukrine tomorrow!!

We cannot believe the day has finally arrived. Our flight leaves Denver tomorrow , we arrive in Kiev at 4:30 PM Kiev time. We have a long journey ahead, hopefully everything will go without a hitch so we can return home soon. We have had a very busy week preparing for the trip and trying not to forget anything while packing. We are so excited to get to see Alex again. Yesterday afternoon our daughter Brandi had her baby. Conner was born at 4:19 pm. He and mom are doing great. I am thankful he arrived before we left so we got to meet him. Isn't he handsonme? Addison is now a big sister....

We will write again once we are in Kiev and find internet access. Wish us luck.

Chris and Kristi

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Today we went to the Zoo. We are trying to spend as much time as possible with our kids (and our grand baby Addison) as possible before we go to Ukraine. The zoo was great, although Addisson did not know what to think about the animals.